Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is essential to an organization because it provides a clear sense of direction and outlines measurable goals.

The lack of a clear vision for moving a business forward has a negative impact on all aspects of the business. It creates stress in the organization for family members, leadership, and ownership. This results in lackluster performance, internal conflict, low morale, and a waste of precious resources. The strategic planning process is essential to aligning all key stakeholders – family, ownership and leadership – around a common vision for the future direction of the business.

The strategic planning process gives family members and leadership the opportunity to discuss, in a practical and productive way, the future of the business, and to identify and resolve any differences of opinion that may exist in setting the future direction.

The Strategic Planning process helps answer the most important questions to the future of the family business:

  • Why do we exist?
  • Who do we want to be in the future?
  • What values are important to us in operating our business?

At Quad Group, we work with you to develop a clear mission for your business, and your vision for the future of your business. Because we believe that each client should have a process that specifically addresses their business’ needs, we always customize each strategic planning process to fit the needs of each client. Through our facilitation, all members of the family, as well as the leadership team, will have an equal part of the process, ensuring all participants have a say in the results. We work with you to ensure the strategic plan has overall goals and objectives, specific tactical plans, and a timeline for success in implementing.

​We believe that a company’s strategic plan is not something to be developed and put on a shelf. A Strategic Plan is a living and breathing document that can evolve as the business changes. Business success comes from engaging in the process of creating a strategic plan and using the results as a roadmap in leading the business forward. Businesses with a clear plan for where they are going, and steps outlined to get there, have a much greater chance to succeed into the future.